Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 5

Jen Gardner, Felino Dolloso and Emily Havea in Tania Cañas' THREE ANGRY AUSTRALIANS.

Jen Gardner, Felino Dolloso and Emily Havea in Tania Cañas' THREE ANGRY AUSTRALIANS.

I know, I've gotten a little bit out of order with these - sometimes my schedule is like that! So in this case, I've had a chance to photograph block 5 of Asylum before I've been to blocks 3 & 4; but don't worry, they're still coming.

Dino from Apocalypse Theatre pointed out the other day that he'd actually underestimated the number of artists who were volunteering their time to work on this series of staged readings (myself included) - he'd originally counted 65, and had been happily relaying that to anyone who asked; but he did another count at the end of last week, and it was more like 97!

So it's nice to see that every performance has sold out - and deservedly so, I have to say. Everything I've seen has been extremely well written, and the performances have ranged from the hilarious to the heart-wrenching - which, considering that none of the scripts even existed six weeks ago, is pretty impressive!