Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 3 & 4

Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 4

Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 4

The Asylum project wrapped up over the weekend, and I managed to get back to the Old 505 Theatre on Thursday and Saturday to photograph the last two blocks of scripts I hadn't had an earlier chance to photograph.

Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 3

Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 3

As I might have mentioned before, considering this project came together in just six weeks from concept to staging - including writing all the works, casting and directing them - the amount of thought put into each of them was extremely impressive.

Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 4

Apocalypse Theatre presents Asylum: 4

So my sincere congratulations go to all 97 writers, directors, performers, producers, & crew - and especially thanks to Charlotte & Dino from Apocalypse Theatre for pulling the whole project together, it was a real pleasure to work on it with you all!

(One footnote to the slideshow above: there was one show in Block 3 that I photographed in an early rehearsal, which is seen twice - at the beginning and end of this slideshow - hence the change in costumes between one version and the other.)