The Kage Collective on Flipboard

A Field Guide To The Birders Of Southern Ontario

A Field Guide To The Birders Of Southern Ontario

I mentioned recently that the photography group I'm part of, the Kage Collective, were giving away our latest e-book publication. (Yes, free!)

Hundreds of people from all around the globe have grabbed a copy already - and, hopefully, enjoyed it - which made me think I should also mention our Flipboard magazine, which is where we post articles & images we've been reading lately, as much for our own interest amongst the group as to share with other photographers and interested folks. We all contribute at different times, so it's an ever-changing selection of things we're reading or have written recently.

I've grown to quite enjoy reading Flipboard on my iPad, personally - so have a look online, or download the app yourself and give it a go. We were thrilled to hear just before Christmas that we'd been chosen to be part of their official photographic collection over the holidays; so I guess we must be doing it right!

And continuing on the Kage front, we're going to be rolling out something big later this month on the site, so stay tuned for that as well. Exciting times!